sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

Lillian Too

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and recognition these days!
Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life... and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.
You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com .
Lillian Too Mandala - North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Servce : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177 

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